Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is Your Definition of Mental Strength?

We have gotten a tremendous response from the definition of MENTAL TOUGHNESSS.

So let's do another.

Again, I am after your own, personal, deep down definition.

Really the only definition that truly makes a difference in your life.

I, and other experts can give you input until we are blue in the face.  But unless and until you believe and internalize the message... will not help your output in the slightest.

That is the reason for working from the inside out.

So, what is your definition of:

Here is the definition:

1. Of or relating to the mind; intellectual: mental powers.
2. Executed or performed by the mind; existing in the mind: mental images of happy times. 

1. The state, property, or quality of being strong.
2. The power to resist attack; impregnability.
3. The power to resist strain or stress; durability.
4. The ability to maintain a moral or intellectual position firmly.
5. Capacity or potential for effective action: a show of strength. 

So, what does mental strength mean to you?

'till next week,


About Mental

Mental has served over 10,000 highly productive people, including business owners, athletes and coaches since 1999. A cutting edge interactive website, packed with discussion boards, valuable downloads, books, resources and rich multi-media tools, helps its members maintain a great attitude, network with other productive people and obtain life-long mental strength. Memberships start at just $14.75 and we have lots of great products to help you gain confidence and change your life for the better. The tip of the week is always complimentary for non-members and available for enrollment at You can also get Mental updates by following us on Twitter @MindStrength.

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