Saturday, November 14, 2009

Soccer Players Learn to Use Their Head

The Mental Strength Training Center announced today the release of a Sport Psychology and mental skills training program for Soccer players and coaches

To help soccer players, coaches and parents of soccer athletes become better teammates, leaders and athletes, the Mental Strength Training Center, working with world class Mental Skills coach and Indiana University Professor Dr. Gary Sailes, created the MENTAL STRENGTH TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SOCCER, a 2-phase training program contained on two CD’s. 

Dr. Gary Sailes is an accomplished professor, having worked with dozens of professional athletes, universities, and other high profile individuals. Topics of the program include; Why mentally fit soccer athletes perform better, How to play to your potential, How to increase your speed, agility, and footwork through mental strength, How to be more confident, What to focus on while playing, How to stay relaxed in the stressful situations, and How to visualize success.

The MENTAL STRENGTH TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SOCCER features The Mental Strength Training Center CEO, Samuel F. Hirschberg in an interview format with Dr. Gary Sailes. The sports psychology for soccer program is easy to listen to and easy to learn from. The program features a 42-item self-inventory checklist, and a 10-question true/false exam to ensure maximum retention and understanding of the core principles. The MENTAL STRENGTH TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SOCCER, 2 CD’s, 42-item Mental Strength Inventory, and exam, $99, can be purchased online at for digital download, or the 2-CD’s are shipped priority mail through the United States Postal Service (USPS).

About Mental
Mental has served over 10,000 highly productive people, including business owners, athletes and coaches since 1999. A cutting edge interactive website, packed with discussion boards, valuable downloads, books, resources and rich multi-media tools, helps its members maintain a great attitude, network with other productive people and obtain life-long mental strength. Memberships start at just $14.75 and we have lots of great products to help you gain confidence and change your life for the better. The tip of the week is always complimentary for non-members and available for enrollment at You can also get Mental updates by following us on Twitter @MindStrength.

Real-life fast-moving concentration

Ok, last week we built upon your concentration skills.
Static concentration that is.

Now, let's move it.


You developed your concentration skills while totally focused on every contour, color, shape, size and detail of the object in question, i.e., baseball bat, tennis ball, golf ball, football, basketball, and so forth.

Now, go onto the playing field.

Throw a perfect pass.
Hit a serve.
Swing the bat.
Run a perfect sprint.
Perform the perfect stroke.

Whatever you do, simply relax, and perform it exactly as you want.  No pressure.
As you do it, imagine you are up in the clouds, looking down, watching yourself -- slowing your performance.

When you are done, replay every detail in your mind.

If you can't do it yet, that's ok, keep performing and realizing more detail each time you do. Smell the grass, feel the air in your face, listen to the kids playing on the basketball court... every detail.

Continue to practice this motion picture in your mind.

Every time you do you'll notice more and more details.  You'll begin to train your mind to train your body to perform the way you want under real-life, balls flying, water splashing, fast-moving circumstances.

Keep trying.

'til next week,


About Mental
Mental has served over 10,000 highly productive people, including business owners, athletes and coaches since 1999. A cutting edge interactive website, packed with discussion boards, valuable downloads, books, resources and rich multi-media tools, helps its members maintain a great attitude, network with other productive people and obtain life-long mental strength. Memberships start at just $14.95. The tip of the week is always complimentary for non-members and available for enrollment at You can also get Mental updates by following us on Twitter @MindStrength.

Handling Distractions, Part 2

You should now have a list of your responses to some of the common distractions affecting your play.

Such as...

Your violent outburst to the baby crying ...
You spending the next four points wondering why you double faulted on game point.

And if you have no idea what I am talking about, please read the tip from last week, so that you get caught up:

The bottom line is this:
You need to get back on track...

and get over whatever caused your distraction

How do you do that?


Focus on something in the here-n-now.

So, let's focus on your breathing.

What I like to do is concentrate on the breath coming into my lungs, and then, the exhaling of the breath going out my lungs.

And while I am breathing, I go about my task at hand.

Give it a try.  I am confident this will help you to get relaxed, re-focus on what you are doing, and stop dwelling on things you no longer have any control over.

'til next week,


About Mental
Mental has served over 10,000 highly productive people, including business owners, athletes and coaches since 1999. A cutting edge interactive website, packed with discussion boards, valuable downloads, books, resources and rich multi-media tools, helps its members maintain a great attitude, network with other productive people and obtain life-long mental strength. Memberships start at just $14.95. The tip of the week is always complimentary for non-members and available for enrollment at You can also get Mental updates by following us on Twitter @MindStrength.

Where NOT to Start

We get dozens of questions everyday. 

Since we can’t get to every single question, this week, I figured I’d address the most frequently asked, which deals with gaining better performance through mental rehearsal

So what’s the most asked question?

= = = = = = = = = = = =
"Where do I start?"
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Let’s answer this with where NOT to start. 

Don’t start with a negative.

Instead, start with a positive. 

For example, back in the 1988 Olympic games, Greg Louganis hit the back of his head on the diving board in a qualifying round.  You probably remember seeing countless images of this played over and over and over and over again by the ‘not-so-helpful’ news media. 

But, I betcha you didn’t know that Greg absolutely would not watch this video tape.  Can you guess why? 

He feared that if he watched it he would create a powerful subconscious, negative, video-clip-in-his-mind undermining all his hard work. 

So instead, he focused on creating perfect dives in his mind, and then went on to win two Gold medals -- with five stitches in his head! 

Now, I could rant-and-rave about how destructive the TV is, because it constantly overwhelms our minds with negative images, definitely affecting our daily "life" performances.  But I won’t. 

I could get on my "soap box" about how you need to have a positive mental outlook in your life, but you already know this.  So I won’t. 

But I will tell you to carefully monitor the pictures that are being replayed, again and again, in your head.  Because you can either picture what you WANT, or, by default, your mind will picture things you DON’T want (things the media and high-priced advertisers want FOR you). 

(This simple little principle probably has a lot to do with the little maniacs running around shooting people and creating havoc.  But I’m not gonna go there.) 

So chances are pretty darned high that whatever you play in your head, will come true! 

Please... choose what YOU want. 

About Mental
Mental has served over 10,000 highly productive people, including business owners, athletes and coaches since 1999. A cutting edge interactive website, packed with discussion boards, valuable downloads, books, resources and rich multi-media tools, helps its members maintain a great attitude, network with other productive people and obtain life-long mental strength. Memberships start at just $14.95. The tip of the week is always complimentary for non-members and available for enrollment at You can also get Mental updates by following us on Twitter @MindStrength.

What is Your Definition of Mental Strength?

We have gotten a tremendous response from the definition of MENTAL TOUGHNESSS.

So let's do another.

Again, I am after your own, personal, deep down definition.

Really the only definition that truly makes a difference in your life.

I, and other experts can give you input until we are blue in the face.  But unless and until you believe and internalize the message... will not help your output in the slightest.

That is the reason for working from the inside out.

So, what is your definition of:

Here is the definition:

1. Of or relating to the mind; intellectual: mental powers.
2. Executed or performed by the mind; existing in the mind: mental images of happy times. 

1. The state, property, or quality of being strong.
2. The power to resist attack; impregnability.
3. The power to resist strain or stress; durability.
4. The ability to maintain a moral or intellectual position firmly.
5. Capacity or potential for effective action: a show of strength. 

So, what does mental strength mean to you?

'till next week,


About Mental

Mental has served over 10,000 highly productive people, including business owners, athletes and coaches since 1999. A cutting edge interactive website, packed with discussion boards, valuable downloads, books, resources and rich multi-media tools, helps its members maintain a great attitude, network with other productive people and obtain life-long mental strength. Memberships start at just $14.75 and we have lots of great products to help you gain confidence and change your life for the better. The tip of the week is always complimentary for non-members and available for enrollment at You can also get Mental updates by following us on Twitter @MindStrength.